Thursday, December 18, 2008

Little Christian girl's trip to the book store

My ex-husband's now ex girlfriend and I have started talking fairly recently. All I can say is we have more in common than just some guy we were both stupid enough to fuck. She seems pretty cool! Unfortunately now she's stuck with a lot of the dramatic bull shit I went through when the ass first left me. (You can tell how much I think of him...) Anyway, I'm a typical southern girl, and should probably never dare to dream of a life outside of my little corner of dixie. Well she's a yankee girl (by now anyway, I understand she didn't start that way..) But it seems like I have a very good friend of mine that lives in the middle. So who knows what the future may hold, maybe we could use Laurie's place as a meeting ground for the sperm donor's babies!!! LOL!! Laurie's idea too!

God I miss her!! Finally got a chance to go to her house this past weekend. Pretty nice even if it was a crack house in a former life. No biggie, she'll have that place shined up and good as ever long before the market picks back up. Since she got it is a foreclosure, she stands to make a metric butt-load of money in the process!!!

Not much else is new. I picked up a book from a wiccan store about,.... ummm, how to put this without freaking out all the locals...? Well, let's just say that I notice things that other people don't from time to time. And no, I'm not talking about noticing the light turning green a half second before the asshole in front of you does so you can blast your horn at him. I'm a bit more sensitive to energy than a lot of people. Yea, I'm talking about ghosts and the like. Let's see if you can keep up for a minute..... Remember anything from physics class in high school? Some old (now dead) guy came up with a great idea that energy and be neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. Ok, so people are little power houses, our bodies are created to "make" and use energy from the food we eat and the work we do. So what happens to that energy when the meat suit wears out? The body goes in the ground and rots or whatever - worm food. Where does the energy go? Does it stay around? Is there a heaven? My good little Christian girl side says YES, there is. Does everyone go there? My overly practical side says NO. Part scientist, part sensitive, I feel this left over energy. I hear names, I don't see people often, mostly just catch snips of what they are (were) thinking in a particular area, or how they feel (felt) about a certain thing.

So I recently walked into a friend's house and "read" it for her since she thought she may not be alone. Now I didn't know that much about her personal history at the time I first went to the house. Betty. Betty was the name I was given within 3 feet inside the front door. Betty also gave me the name Elizabeth, not her, but some other person she showed me. Betty was 50 or 60 ish when she died, some type of long term disease. She's very protective of my friend. She loved to cook (the kitchen was very busy feeling), and she watched her kids play in the yard while she did the dishes, constantly thinking that she wished they wouldn't play in the road - that one would get hit by a car.

Found out when my friend came in to check on me that Betty was her mother's name. She died at 50 something from cancer, her aunt is Elizabeth and she has a brain tumor (still living). My friend said her mom loved to cook, was always in the kitchen, DID watch them play in the street and my friend DID get hit by a car one day. She has her mother's ashes in the house. That is the only physical presence Ms. Betty has ever been in that house. She never went there before she died.

There is a young man there as well. James, tall, 20's, killed in a accident, his mother is the former owner of the house. He's confused, nice, knows he's dead, but doesn't want to accept it yet. Curious about my friend and her roommate. Seems like he was a good kid.

I am also able to pick up vibrations from objects that people put energy into. Alive, dead, doesn't seem to matter. If you really love something, and use it or whatever a lot, then I'd probably notice just by laying my hand on it. And no, that doesn't mean I'd ever touch your vibrator collection to figure out which is your favorite!!! EWWW! I'm gotten mental images shown to me, conversations that I've been allowed to hear.

It's all pretty cool. So I've decided that it's time to quit denying that I have this gift, and time that I start trying to see what can be done with it. So that's how the poor little lost Jesus girl found her way to a wiccian book store several states away looking at books on mediumship. Got one too! Who knows, let me get through this book (and 1/2 a dozen others knowing me) and then I'll get myself an old ambulance and some funky backpacks and become a ghost buster!!! In all seriousness, I was told that I was one of the best mediums a local ghost hunter had ever met (my friend's room mate,) so who am I to deny a gift that I have simply because i chose a Christian belief? The compliment was cool! And I have a scientific enough mind to ask questions without following something blindly. And as a bonus, I liked physics!

But, it's late. Go to bed, addict!!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

This is wonderful! We'll definitely have to get the sperm donor's kids together one day soon *nodnod*

Very interesting to read about your "gift"...Let me know how that goes, will you? That stuff fascinates me!